Trust land

Community purposes for dedicating trust land

The Land Act 1994 enables unallocated state land to be dedicated or granted as trust land for community purposes. These purposes are listed in Schedule 1 of the Land Act and include:

  • Aboriginal purposes
  • Torres Strait Islander purposes
  • conservation, scenic and land management purposes
  • parks and recreational purposes
  • community facility purposes
  • cemetery purposes..

Schedule 1 of the Act also provides examples for each community purpose.

Generally, land required for the operational needs of government (e.g. police stations, schools hospitals, and local government services such as sewerage, water supply and council offices) is instead held under freehold on payment of market value.

Existing reserve purposes

Existing trust lands have been granted for various purposes under past Acts, reflecting changes in policy and the needs of Queenslanders over time.

The Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2023 amended the Land Act 1994 to simplify the list of community purposes previously defined in Schedule 1, from 34 specific uses to the 6 purpose categories.

These amendments also removed certain public purposes from Schedule 1 that were dedicated under the repealed Act and retained as ‘community purposes’: crematoriums, drainage, landing places, mortuaries, navigational purposes, public toilet facilities, roads, strategic land management or watering places.

‘Taken to be’ purpose

Some existing trust land purposes are now ‘taken to be’ one of the 6 community purpose categories. This widens the scope of potential use of existing trust lands. These purposes will not limit the use for any contemporary purposes that may emerge over time.

Note: Trustees must address native title prior to pursuing changes in use.

If existing trust land has more than one purpose and at least one of them is 'taken to be' a community purpose, the trust land is considered dedicated for a community purpose.

Any new ‘taken to be’ purpose applies individually for each purpose. For example, a reserve for open space and buffer zones would be taken to be a reserve for:

  • parks and recreational purpose
  • conservation, scenic and land management purpose.
Previous trust land purpose New 'taken to be' community purpose
Aboriginal inhabitants of state Aboriginal purposes
Aboriginal purposes Aboriginal purposes
Aboriginal reserve Aboriginal purposes
Arts Community facility 
Beach protection Conservation, scenic and land management 
Beauty spot Conservation, scenic and land management 
Benefit of Aboriginal inhabitants Aboriginal purposes
Benefit of Islander inhabitants Torres Strait Islander purposes
Botanic gardens Parks and recreational 
Botanical gardens Parks and recreational 
Buffer Conservation, scenic and land management 
Buffer zones Conservation, scenic and land management 
Cemeteries Cemetery 
Children's playground Parks and recreational
Coastal management Conservation, scenic and land management
Cricket ground Parks and recreational
Cultural purposes Cultural purposes (no change)
Environment Conservation, scenic and land management
Environmental Conservation, scenic and land management
Environmental park Conservation, scenic and land management
Environmental purposes Conservation, scenic and land management
Flora preservation Conservation, scenic and land management
Gardens Parks and recreational
Heritage Community facility 
Heritage purposes Community facility
Historical Community facility
Historical purposes Community facility
Historical site Community facility
Jetties Community facility
Landing places Community facility
Memorial Community facility
Memorial hall Community facility
Memorial library Community facility
Memorial park Community facility
Memorial preservation Community facility
Municipal forest Conservation, scenic and land management
Municipal garden Parks and recreational purposes
Natural resource management Conservation, scenic and land management
Open space Parks and recreational purposes
Open space zone Parks and recreational purposes
Parks Parks and recreational purposes
Playground Parks and recreational purposes
Provision of services beneficial to Aboriginal people particularly concerned with land Provision of services beneficial to Aboriginal people particularly concerned with land (no change)
Provision of services beneficial to Torres Strait Islanders particularly concerned with land Provision of services beneficial to Torres Strait Islanders particularly concerned with land (no change)
Public boat ramps Community facility
Public gardens Parks and recreational purposes
Public halls Community facility
Recreation Parks and recreational purposes
Recreation grounds Parks and recreational purposes
Recreation purposes Parks and recreational purposes
RSL memorial hall Community facility
Scenic Conservation, scenic and land management
Scenic purposes Conservation, scenic and land management
School of arts Community facility
Scientific Conservation, scenic and land management
Scientific purposes Conservation, scenic and land management
Showgrounds Community facility
Soldier’s memorial Community facility
Soldier’s memorial hall Community facility
Soldier’s memorial hall school of arts Community facility
Sport Parks and recreational purposes
Sports ground Parks and recreational purposes
Torres Strait Islander purposes Torres Strait Islander purposes (no change)
Travelling stock requirements Travelling stock requirements (no change)
Tropical gardens Parks and recreational purposes
War memorial Community facility
Watering places Watering places (no change)

Operational purposes

Existing trust land that is not for or ‘taken to be’ a community purpose is considered operational. Trustees can apply to the Department of Resources to change or add a community purpose of a reserve.

Note: In certain circumstances, a reserve that was created from 14 May 2013 by registration of a plan of freehold subdivision may also meet the definition of operational reserve.

Previous purpose Current purpose
Any other purpose Any other purpose (no change)
Crematoriums Crematoriums (no change)
Drainage Drainage (no change)
Mortuaries Mortuaries (no change)
Navigational purposes Navigational purposes (no change)
Public toilet facilities Public toilet facilities (no change)
Roads Roads (no change)
Strategic land management Strategic land management (no change)

In this guide:

  1. Community purposes for dedicating trust land
  2. Model by-laws for trust land
  3. Trustee leases
  4. Roles and responsibilities of trustees
  5. Deed of grant over an operational reserve
  6. Management plans
  7. Trust land self-assessment tool

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